Environment Project

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The Environment Project:

A Whole School Project (1997 - 1998 school year)

This project grew out of a seminar some of the teachers participated in and a grant proposal for creating a backyard habitat. Even though the grant fell through, the ideas for the project bloomed. The project started the school year in 4 "family" groups with "parents" from the older class and "children" from all 3 classes. There was a photo scavenger hunt to locate places in the backyard based on clues in the photos. The families created natural art work on the fence and had a New Beginning backyard project:

painting the old climber and spray painting leaf patterns,

creating a new table top,

cleaning up the front yard - weeding the beds, clearing stones, etc., and

cleaning up the memorial garden.

Each class extended this in some cases working with another class. In the spring all the students made / decorated birdhouses.

Younger Class
Printing and words about the Memorial Garden
"Natural" math - measuring, counting, groups, making math problems for the class
Survey of identifying unseen natural objects by touch alone
Creative writing describing natural objects
Pumpkin Farm Trip - weighing, measuring, art work
Microscope work - prepared slides, and sample from Wetlands Trip
Plating potted plants and seeds. charting growth
Observing a circular plot of land
Water table - outdoor planting tray
Younger & Middle Class
Terrarium Eco-Systems
Tree Identification
June & Robin attended a Wetlands Workshop at Sandy Hook and brought back samples to share with both classes
Owl Haven - dissecting owl pellets
Monmouth Museum - "Creature Comfort: Animals in Art & Changing Culture" and "Lenape Indians to Victorian Age"
Sandy Hook Student Program - Sea Creatures / Forest and the Sea
Middle Class
Backyard Observations
Research for individual project topics
Daily Nature Journals
Visit Bird Jungle
Katerie - Prey & Predator (Co-Operative Games)
Nature Poetry (some illustrated, some set to music)
Middle & Older Class
Make rain-sticks

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