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To The New School of Monmouth County's Web Site

Welcome to the The New School of Monmouth County, an innovative, ungraded elementary school where children learn in a cooperative, non-competitive environment and are empowered to have meaningful input into their own education.

The New School is a family school, with innovative teachers, a focus on each child as an individual, and lots of parent involvement.

This Web Site was designed to provide information for and about The New School to:

Parents looking for an alternative learning environment, to focus on meeting the needs of their child as an individual (highest priority).

Our Current Staff and Students researching projects, and sharing their ideas, plans and results (highest priority).

Other Schools looking to partner with us on various projects.

Former Staff, Students and Families wanting to keep in touch with their friends at The New School, especially Graduates :).

Educators looking to understand our philosophy, how we've implemented it and the results we've achieved.

Others in our community (both in the real world and on the net) looking to learn through understanding what we're up to, and hopefully to share their experiences with us.

Our Current Families, needing the latest schedules, bulletins and other information useful for day to day planning (future possibility that needs parent buy-in and sufficient security mechanisms).

We hope this Web Site meets these needs, and provides the visitor with a flavor of the "unique cheek" that is so much a part of The New School. We welcome your feedback .
We'd like to thank those that helped inspire, construct and maintain these pages, and the staff of The New School that provided the raw material, and gave feedback as the pages came together.

New School Home Welcome Philosophy Info/FAQ More Details Classes 2005-2006 Calendar Parents Only Archive Site Map Graduates Press Releases Web Links Guest & Feedback

Copyright � 2002
The New School of Monmouth County
All rights reserved

Last Update: 11/08/04 09:20 PM

TEL: 732-787-7900
FAX: 732-787-1165

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Kathryn Moore & Lee Vallone (webmasters)